Telegram Sticker Pack
Sticker Packs to use on the Telegram messenger app!
Single Sticker: $20 USD
•5 pack: $100 USD
•10 pack: $200 USDExtra Fees
Extra Character Sticker Fee: $15 USD per extra characterFull Body Sticker Fee: $10 USD per full body characterBackground/Prop Fee: $10 or $15 USD per sticker that includes background elements or complex props. $10 for simple BG/items and $15 for more complex BG/itemsYCH: $10 USD per sticker involving the YCHComplex Character Fee: $5-$10 USD per sticker. Examples include: Anatomy like wings and antlers; Spotted, striped and intricate patterns; Gradients, complex color palettes and designs.

* You MUST have a visual reference sheet or art of your character to commission telegram stickers. I will not work from text descriptions.
Character Illustrations
Full-body character art with a simple colored background/backsplash design.
Single Character: $75 USD
•Additional Character: $60 USD
•Props: $10 USD and up
•Extras: $10 USD and up•Complex Character Fee: $15 USD and upCell Shading
Single Character: $90 USD
•Additional Character: $85 USD
•Props: $25 USD and up
•Extras: $25 USD and up•Complex Character Fee: $20 USD and upSoft Shading
Single Character: $125 USD
•Additional Character: $100 USD
•Props: $35 USD and up
•Extras: $35 USD and up•Complex Character Fee: $20 USD and up
All character illustrations comes with a simple colored background/backsplash designExtras include (but are not limited to) speech bubble dialogue, additional dialogue, separate panels or cut-away scenes within the main image.Clients will receive one file sized for posting online with a watermark and one high-res file without a watermark for personal use.
Scene Illustration
A cell shaded or soft shaded scene with both characters and a completed background
Cell Shaded Scene
$140-$200 USDFull Shaded Scene
$175-$250 USDThe base price of a scene commission includes standard background elements and a single character. The price will increase if there are more than one character or if the background elements are complicated or very detailed. If you would like an exact quote on your commission idea, please email us at fangtasticstudio@gmail.com.
Clients will receive one file sized for posting online with a watermark and one high-res file without a watermark for personal use.
Ref Sheet
Reference image art of your character!
Basic Ref Sheet: $200 USD
•Alt Versions: $25 USD and upReference sheets come with a front and back full-body character image, close-up details, character details (your choice), color swatches, and minor design elements.Alt versions of your reference sheet can be purchased alongside your reference sheet commission. The price is based on how many elements of the reference sheet you would like edited/added.

Cell shaded PNG avatar for streaming use!
Basic Cell Shaded PNGtuber: $150 USD
(Idle, Blinking, and Talking)
•Props: $15 USD and up
•Extras: $15 USD and up•Complex Character Fee: $15 USD and up* You MUST have a visual reference sheet or art of your character to commission a PNGtuber. I will not work from text descriptions.If you would like an exact quote on your commission idea, please email us at fangtasticstudio@gmail.com.
All applicants will be contacted via email within 48 hours (barring unforeseen events) to inform them whether they have been selected for the queue or not.Commissioner and Artist RightsAs the artist, I retain full copyright to all images created unless otherwise specified through an official agreement (requiring signatures of both parties). I retain the rights to post commissioned images to any of our galleries, reproduce the images for sale online or at conventions or to otherwise use the image commercially in prints, digital art collections, books, etc.Rights to the original characters remain with their owners, where trademarked.As a client, you receive the rights to post the commissioned images anywhere you'd like for personal non-commercial non-profit purposes, as long as you credit us as the artists.Clients have the right to reprint images in limited quantities for personal use. This includes printing for home display, printing to use as a badge or a small number of physical stickers.Edits on Completed WorkIf you wish to make edits to completed works to your commission after it is completed, please contact me. You are not required to wait for a commission opening to request an edit.Edits involving something I missed within the details supplied in the application will be provided free-of-charge. I will do our best to give you an accurate date that the edits will be completed.If an edit involves details not provided in the initial application, a reasonable fee will be charged for the editing work. I retain the right to refuse edits to pieces in which we feel the edit would not be reasonable to make to a completed piece.Any edits involving style conflicts or issues will be refused. Edits are limited to artwork completed within the last year.RefundsIf I have begun the commission process and you decide you would like to stop it, please let us know as soon as possible. I understand that issues can arise suddenly and are more than happy to work with you if such an event occurs.If I have not begun work on your commission, a full refund will be made. If I have begun the commission, you will receive a partial refund based on the work that has already been completed.